
After an auto accident, call a Lawyer.

After an auto accident, call a Lawyer
After an auto accident, call a Lawyer. Call Patton and Patton.

After an auto accident, call a Lawyer. Here’s why. After an auto accident collision, you are slapped in the face with baffling problems on top of dealing with your physical injuries.

The legal issues are complex. You must quickly figure out which claims to make, and how. So After an auto accident, call a Lawyer. Initially, you have the property damage claim.  This involves your collision insurance if you have it; the wrongdoer’s liability insurance policy if you do not, or both.  Then you must also figure out your Personal Injury Protection insurance, or as it is sometimes called No Fault insurance. So After an auto accident, call a Lawyer.

Finally, you must make and resolve your liability policy claim or sue before the deadline.  Did you know that each Kansan must purchase at least the minimum liability policy insurance? A liability insurance policy pays monetary damages to the injured party if the wrong doer possesses a policy. However, ten percent of Kansans still have no insurance, and many fail to purchase adequate coverage and are underinsured.  Do you know how to make an uninsured motorist claim or an underinsured motorist claim?  Are you making all those claims before the time limits? Are you accidently waiving your rights?

It can blur your mind while you are suffering from both physical and emotional pain. Honestly this is a lot to take in when you hurt from physical injuries or emotional pain and if you are not used to dealing with these issue, and let’s face it… who is?,  you can make mistakes. You can make the wrong decision. You can settle too soon. You can file the claim too late. You can say the wrong thing when that insurance guy calls and records your conversation. Why is he recording all this anyway? What about all his questions and forms?

It can all be a massive burden.

Let us carry the load.

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