
How long does it typically take to resolve a personal injury case like mine?

How long does it typically take to resolve a personal injury case like mine?

How long does it typically take to resolve a personal injury case like mine
How long does it typically take to resolve a personal injury case like mine

Usually the more complicated your case, the more time it will take. Assuming the case is an auto accident matter with clear liability we must wait until the medical treatment has been completed. If your health care finishes six months after the crash.

We would then order the medical records, and it will take 45 to 60 days for the medical providers to provide us all the records and billing. We will review the files and have a conference with you to decide on the value of the claim. We will determine if we need additional or different medical reports.

We will then prepare a personal injury settlement brochure to present to the insurance adjuster. It will usually take the insurance adjuster about thirty days to review all the material and make an initial offer. The personal injury settlement negotiations could go for an extended amount of time, but usually, we will know if your case will settle within the next sixty days. So in a simple auto claim, you might have at least a year before you will have the matter resolved. If the insurance company does not make a fair offer, we will then sue which will take another year to resolve. Which is better than other parts of the country.

We do not get paid until you get paid so we move these cases as fast as we can. However, we do not want to move the case so quickly that it will hurt your best interest. For example, we will always wait until we know all the medical facts before the case is evaluated and settled. By waiting we have a much better idea of what the future has for you and we can ensure you are fully compensated. You can give us a call. Here’s our contact information at this link.

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