Personal Injury Lawyers

What Can You Expect Once You Give Us a Call?

IMPORTANT: Before You Talk To The Adjuster, Get This Free Book. Click Here!

After an auto accident, trying to get yourself organized can seem impossible.  You often have medical providers calling about bills and insurance adjusters demanding that you take their benefit offer all while you’re trying to recover from your injuries; it can make you want to hide away from the world.  At Patton and Patton, we’ve been through it many times, and we understand how difficult it can be.

            When you call, the first thing you’ll notice, instead of talking to an automated machine, you’ll be talking to a real-life person that’ happy to help you.  Earlier this week as I was answering the phones, a new client commented that I sounded happy to be there.  The truth is, I am. That happiness is shown by how we treat you, our client.  We love helping people.  It’s our calling.  Whether it’s getting you through an auto accident, workman’s compensation suit, or other personal injury, our goal is always to help. 

A Friendly Voice

            That being said, Patton and Patton is more than just a friendly voice in a difficult time.  After we’ve connected you with one of our experienced attorneys, we will set up a free conference to go over the details of your case.  We’ll help you understand the path ahead, possible problems with your case, your rights, and any time limits for your case before you ever sign a contract!  Why do we do this?  Because we care about people. 

We Will Help

            If you do decide to sign a contract with us, we will help you along the way. We’ll be just as responsive to phone calls, questions, and visits as we were on the first day you walked in.  We’ll send you regular updates so you’ll always know how your case is progressing.  Finally, we won’t get a dime until you do.   

That’s How We Do Things

            That’s how we do things at Patton and Patton.  Give us a call at 785-273-4330.  Within the first few moments you’ll know that you’ve made the right choice

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